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Common Questions And Concerns About Personal Injury

After an accident, everything might seem confusing. You may not even know where to start to protect yourself and your health. In that case, the experienced advice and guidance of a knowledgeable personal injury attorney can make a difference. Attorney Patrick Tighe has helped his clients recover fair compensation to cover their needs, protect their interests and navigate the complex paperwork required after an accident. It all starts with answering questions to then give an honest opinion of your case and work on a legal strategy, when applicable.

Following are some questions that Mr. Tighe has answered regarding different types of accidents and injuries at his X1Law, P.A., in North Palm Beach:

  1. After an accident, how do I know I need an attorney?
  2. Can I speak to insurance representatives without an attorney?
  3. Should I agree to fill out an incident report after falling and suffering injuries at a store or restaurant?
  4. What evidence should I bring to my attorney after a boat accident?
  5. My loved one is in a rehab facility. We suspect they are subject to abuse. What can I do?

After an accident, how do I know I need an attorney?

Although having an attorney to represent your interests after an accident is optional in Florida, an experienced legal professional can help you learn your rights and what you are entitled to. Insurance companies tend to settle claims for less and will attempt to close your case as soon as possible. Depending on the severity of your case, an attorney can also help you protect your rights and hold the negligent party accountable.

Can I speak to insurance representatives without an attorney?

Yes. However, consider that insurance companies have skilled staff and attorneys who will do everything in their power to minimize your settlement. An experienced attorney can explain your options and what your compensation should include, represent your best interests on your behalf and negotiate with the insurance representatives when required. Having a knowledgeable lawyer can positively impact your case and help you protect your rights.

Should I agree to fill out an incident report after falling and suffering injuries at a store or restaurant?

Yes, you can fill out an incident report and provide all the facts and circumstances that led to your accident and subsequent injury. The report could be later used to file a claim against the owner, should the accident result from the premises owner’s negligence.

What evidence should I bring to my attorney after a boat accident?

The clothes you wore that day and pictures from as many angles as possible could be very useful evidence. In addition, local maritime authorities will investigate and provide further evidence about the boat accident that caused your injuries.

Your Case Evaluation Is For Free

Call 561-363-3947 or send an email to schedule your appointment. He will discuss your accident in detail and review all the evidence you collected after the accident to review your options.